
Therapy Groups for Living Consciously


Research shows that groups are an extraordinarily powerful way to create lasting and rapid healing. Gathering together in a group expands our support as we realize that we are not alone with our feelings and struggles. Groups also allow us to share and learn from each other, as we have the benefit of multiple perspectives and experiences.



The emotional eating group described below is not being offered at this time. If you are interested, let me know and I can put you on a list for possible future group.


In the Freedom From Emotional Eating Group, we discover how to sucessfully manage our emotions, stresses, and challenges without turning to food for comfort and relief. Through practicing Mindfulness of our eating habits and behaviors, emotions, body sensations, and thoughts they naturally transform, allowing us to unconver and fulfill deeper needs, calm our anxiety, and lift depression. We will use a variety of techniques, including, guided visualization, body awareness, movement, and Mindfulness Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Lets discover what we are truly hungry for!

Many of us are emotional eaters, which is also know as compulsive overeating. If your relationship with food and your body includes one or more of the following you are probably experiencing emotional eating.

  • Feeling out of control around food, focusing on binging, restricting, dieting, purging or judging
  • Eating when you are not physically hungry
  • Spending a good deal of time and energy thinking and worrying about food, fatness, thinness, or body shape
  • Eating secretly
  • Searching for the solution to your distress in the latest diet and fitness information
  • Feeling bad about yourself as someone who is out of control
  • Feeling bad about your body

 The bottom line is that Emotional Eating is a message that

something else is going on that has nothing to do with physical hunger.



Upon completion of the 8 week group, all participants are welcome to attend the ongoing monthly Freedom From Emotional Eating support group.


 Week one – Cultivating the Art of Mindfulness

(The Seven Skills of a Mindful Eater)

1. Awareness – mindfulness of mind, body, feelings, and thoughts

2. Observation

3. Being in the moment

4. Being mindful of the environment

5. Non-judgement

6. Letting Go

7. Acceptance and letting go of the need to control

Mindfulness exercise: visualization, breathing

Mindful eating exercise*

(HW – Seven Skills of a Mindful Eater *)

Week Two – Mindful Eating Self Assessment 

Why I engage in Mindless Eating *

Tracking Your Mindless Overeating Habits *

Positive intentions of overeating and alternative solutions

Mindfulness of hunger -Physical hunger vs Emotional hunger

(HW – Mindfulness of Hunger worksheet*)

Week Three – Connecting to Inner Positive Resources

Calming the mind

Self Love and Acceptance

Mindfulness Meditation


(HW – Self-Appreciation and Self-Nurturing Exercise*)

Week Four – Transforming Emotional Eating Triggers

Mindfulness of Triggers

MIndfulness of Emotions

Mindfulness of Thoughts

– Cognitive Distortions

– Mindless Inner Critic and Friends

Week Five – Body Wisdom and Expression

Connecting with our bodies

Freeing our bodies to move

Bringing inner experience into conscious awareness and expression through movement

Week Six – Pulling it all together

Seven Skills of a Mindful Eater – going deeper

Process vs Goals

Creating a mindful environment

Mindful sleep

Recognizing and creatingsupport

Looking forward to seeing you in group!